About the Series:
What Breathes Beneath Our Story was commissioned by Grand Rapids Theological Seminary in 2010. The series of 19 claybord panels painted with liquid acrylic and oil currently hangs in their lobby. It offers an abstract depiction of the creation, fall, redemption, consummation story of the Bible.

“Sabbath” Visio Divina Audio Guide
Allow your soul to awaken through an audio-guided (10 min) meditation on this painting, "Sabbath" by Bette Dickinson delivered right to your inbox! Slow down, open yourself to wonder, and allow God to speak to you.
The first column of three days focuses on "Forming" the fundamental elements of the world: light and darkness, sea and sky, and land and sea.
The second column explores the concept of "Filling" these formed spaces with celestial bodies, birds and fish, and finally, with people and animals. This progression symbolizes the unfolding of divine order and the realization of God's creation plan.
Day 1:
Birth of Light
and Darkness -
Day 2:
Birth of
Sea and Sky -
Day 3:
The Formation of
Sea and Land -
Day 5:
Illuminating the Cosmos -
Day 5:
Abundant Life in Sky and Sea -
Day 6:
The Gift of Life -
The Fall of Adam and Eve
Exodus: the Redemption of Israel
It Is Finished
The crucifixion and resurrection of Christ
Pentecost: the Birth of the Church
Redemption: Journey to the New Jerusalem
New Rest
New Creation
What Breathes Beneath Our Story Prints