Go on a journey that
awakens your soul
Labyrinths, Beauty, New Birth
What happens within us when we experience beauty? How can walking a labyrinth aid us in the process?
Crossing a Threshold
What happens within us when we cross thresholds in life? And how can we begin to walk on water?
In the wake of destruction, what will you create?
When we sit in the wake of loss, death, and despair - could God form something new? How can we participate with him in the new creation He is making? And how can little things like snow families and play dough pave the way?
Why is Play Essential to Creativity?
What is a creativity essential? Play. What happens in play that enables us to create and to become more fully human?
Form and Fill
What do we learn about the way God forms us through the way He formed creation in the beginning? What does it say about us that God brings together different forms to create something beautiful? Maybe it’s your difference that makes a difference.
Creation Emerges From Chaos
Chaos, formless, void, desolation. This was where creation began. It was from this place that God created new life. What does this tell us about the way God’s creative process?
Becoming the New Creation
What do we learn about becoming the new creation by the way God first created the world? Uncovering principles from the created order for our formation.